Thursday, November 27, 2008


*obligatory comment about food*
*followup about travel*
*remark about family*
*mention my level of food intake*
*witty closing remark*

Monday, November 10, 2008


Seasonal affective disorder: that sad feeling you get because of lack of light, or something.

Sorry everyone, I never experienced that. In fact, quite the opposite. Once leaves turn and snow starts to fall, I get happier. The first snowfall, to me, marks the beginning of things start to happen and life is wonderful season. I become a notably happier person.

Having said that, I woke up to a light cover of snow hiding the grass. (That was a well needed injection of happy in the bloodstream)

Excuse me, I need to go buy kerosene.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Idle hands

Have you ever set something down, went somewhere to pick something else up, and couldn't find it?

Yea... not seeing it.