Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pineapple inside out clock

I couldn't wait for the semester to end. It's always like that. I want so much for it to start, the enthusiasm kicks in, then the plateau...

The plateau rolls along for a few weeks, then it breaks into a downhill slide. It doesn't start gently, nooooooooo. It's more like you're on the side of a snow covered mountain when you realize that just the wrong move will send millions of tons of snow crashing down on you. Then, like a jerk on a cell phone in a theater, something fires off a cannon into it and it becomes a mad dash to the last day of finals.

I've been doing this far too long.

The breaks aren't as bad, but they're bad nonetheless. School got out 2 weeks ago, and I kinda wanted to coast for awhile. Financially, it looked feasible. (read: short term) Then begins the job hunt.

How the heck can something be both boring and stressful? This was the first time in the history of Saltine that I've ever been driven crazy by a literal nothing. An actual absence. But it ended. Your favorite sodium encrusted wafer is gainfully employed.

At night. Yes, I found another* job auditing a hotel. Now begins the annoying process of re-training my rebellious body. I forgot how tired I was when I started that before.

(*if you don't already know, I'm not telling)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Inconvenient gardening

I've been trying to get my little one to bed earlier - and so far it's been working. He was down by 8. Why then did my next door neighbor decide that 8:30 was the perfect time to mow the lawn?

Funniest answer gets a cookie.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


For some reason, I've been thinking about The Wizard of Oz lately, and I realized something. The story may have been written in 1900, and the movie made in 1939, but it still hits the mark on social commentary.

Dorothy keeps looking for the perfect guy that can take care of all her problems and she keeps running into entirely unsuitable men? Sure, that too. I was thinking more about the scarecrow. The man is brainless, and the wizard "cures" this by giving him a diploma.

Is this why we so many complete morons that think they have credibility just because they went to school? I propose that whenever we see people like this, we simply call them what they are. Scarecrow.