Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Riddle me this

The Great Wall of China was built to keep out foreigners. Now, it attracts millions of foreigners every year. When the Chinese do irony, they do it hardcore.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Some odd precipitate.

It's been a really warm fall. Only now is it snowing. I'm ok with this, as it means there isn't already a foot of snow on the ground. All those fake plastic snowmen people put on their lawns are now indiscernible mounds under the real thing. I look out the window as I type this noticing that it's only getting worse and worse. A slight chuckle as I consider those that have to travel through this.

Then I remember I'm looking through the 4th floor window of the Lockwood library... and I'm walking home.

Karmic schadenfreude.