Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I cannot predict the future.

But I can guess pretty close.

Thinking back to last year...

My question to everyone: does this mean I now have to buy one?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Helloooo 2010

and good riddance 2009.

The Empire Strikes Back:

The rebels lose the base at Hoth.
Han is betrayed and locked in carbonite.
-then he's shipped off to Jabba.
Luke discovers that Vader is his father.
-his dad cuts off his hand.

Luke trains to be a jedi under Yoda.

The whole movie is really unbalanced. One bad thing after another, all smashed around one good thing, and capped off at the end with a smattering of hope. (It's still a darn good movie)

For me, in 2009 the Empire struck back. Without going into too much detail, I find that it's an apt metaphor. I lost a lot, made a lot of stupid mistakes, made some startling (and somewhat upsetting) discoveries, and generally had a really bad show of it.

I did, however, begin learning how to tap into a higher power from the shortest person I know.

I think we all know how the next movie ends.