Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A strange background noise

It seems I post a lot about how I'm busy. While it may be true, it's not very entertaining.

When classes ended in May, we went to Minnesota. When with my in-laws, I play the role of spectator. They'll happily engage their sister in various whatevers and disappear with my children. I may perhaps receive a cursory glance. Most (not all, mind you) of the time I feel like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense. I think I'm interacting with people, but really I'm just haunting the place.

Mind you, this is not a bad thing. It does, however, take a day or so to get used to.

Upon returning home it was decided that we needed to find a new home in Buffalo. We moved in 3 years ago with no kids, and now we have 2 (and all the furniture that requires). We had one month to find and secure a place, pack everything, and move it. Oh, and I was stuck taking a required course over the summer. I've had more pleasant trips to the dentist. The only good thing about the entire ordeal was the end of it. It's a higher quality home in a better neighborhood.

Yea, summer courses. When 3 of the classes I want in the fall require a class I couldn't take in the spring, summer courses are the only option. On the one hand, campus is almost empty. I like that. On the other hand, I don't have much of a vacation.

About ten years ago, I had so many strange and vivid dreams. I still remember most of them to this day. These days, I can't remember my dreams at all. I don't like waking up like that.