Monday, February 4, 2013

The crazed dreamer

It's never when I go to sleep the first time, but rather the second when I remember my dreams. As a boy, my dreams were abstract, wild, jumbled almost. Now there's just an oddness to them.

I was studying for an upcoming test (in statistics tomorrow, actually) in what seemed like a large house. Then there was piano music playing in a nearby room. The kind performed either by someone with three hands, or someone with insane skills. (I didn't recognize it at the time, but they were playing U.N. Owen Was Her) When the music stopped, out came one of my former professors in little more than a nightgown, looking like she had just woken up and decided to teach that piano why it existed.

...who then promptly wondered why I was in her house, but let me stay in the guest room because it was too cold out to open the door.

Then we were watching YouTube videos. Olan Rogers showed me his latest video, which was him and another guy running a race, but the track was filled with gym equipment, mostly stair steppers, and they had to step through them. Then he decides to cheat by jacking a car. So he runs to this car, which is being driven by a sparkly albino (sparkly white hair, skin, and sparkly eyes), shoves her over, and steals the car.

Turns out his video was sponsored by the car company, which is why it got so much attention.

Of course in this dream, the albino and I start talking. We're hanging out, acting like best friends, and then she says the makeup is bugging her. So she wipes some of it off, rinses part of her hair (all in about 1 second, it's a dream people), and I am shocked, SHOCKED, to discover that she's not actually an albino. She was a red haired girl from my statistics course, and she wanted help studying for the test tomorrow.