Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Well then...

Short answer: I didn't have anything worth writing about. That doesn't make for much of an excuse for not rambling in a blog, no, but at least it saved you from having to slog through a giant wall of text only to find there wasn't any substance to it.

You're welcome.

2013... I could talk about how I graduated, but that's been done. Instead I'll talk about how I personally revoked one of my favorite pastimes: making fun of people that gave their kid goofy names.

I had my third child this year. Another boy, which makes it easier in the short term. We have all the clothes, and we can toss them all in the same room if we're low on space. But back to the matter at hand: we named him Zefram.

Are you done looking it up? You're right, it's from Star Trek. No, he wasn't named after the character. It just happens to be where I first heard it. The episode where the character was introduced aired 13 years before I was born. That doesn't stop the name from raising a few brows, but it does offer a distinction from more modern, "unique" names.

And it doesn't rhyme with -aiden.

I admit, the name did take some getting used to (we all just call him Z for short. I suppose if we went to Canada he would be called 'Zed' or something, but I digress), though when I look at what's happening to baby names, I figure by the time he's old enough for people to ask him about his own name, they'll probably think he's Jewish. (Unless *they're* Jewish, then I have some explaining to do)

So yea, in giving my son an unusual (or is it just uncommon?) name, I feel like I've lost the right to mock people who give their kids unusual names. Someone else will have to mock the parents of Brandolyn, McKaty, and Laken. I know you're up to the task, folks, don't let me down.

At least his middle name is Alan.