Monday, July 6, 2015

>find blog

-get new job
-start cleaning things
-go on computer instead
-find blog

Hey, I've been writing *other* things lately. A lot of creative-type work that I'll probably never publish, but still want to get out. Anyway...

Married - check
Graduated college - check
4 kids - check (yea, FOUR. Three boys and then a girl)
Another new job - check
        (that last one means I have to move, again)

But it means I'm leaving Buffalo. It's been seven years. My wife and I have built a life out here. I graduated 2 years ago, but my own lack of gettingajoborgoingtogradschool meant we stayed put. This is the only life my kids have known. Granted, the oldest is six, but it's still uprooting him.

Admittedly, most of my friends out here have been fellow students, during and after college. Even the ones that didn't get a job still moved out of town. (Either they were going back home, or just getting out of town) Nothing has really been permanent. The news of my imminent departure was met with some sadness and plans to reminisce, and one case of tears.

Trying to display a sense of long-term thinking and planning is difficult when what they're going to miss is both immediate and irreplaceable. The bulk of your relationship with your kids is when they're adults, but her tears were for missing my children's childhood.

There's really nothing I can say that can soften that blow.