Monday, May 31, 2021

The arbiter

Ok, so last year Facebook kept deleting and "fact checking" articles that discussed the Wuhan lab leak theory, calling it unsubstantiated nonsense. But now that government and mainstream media sources are discussing the possibility, it's ok.

I don't know why they keep trying. Social media sites have no business trying to be the arbiter of truth. I mean, at this point it's obvious it's purely political. Just let people go back to sharing whatever they want.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The island

Not just any island, but Wellesley Island, way up in the St Lawrence. My scout troop used to go camping up there every year, the weekend of Thanksgiving. Yea, it was in the cold of November, but there was a bonus.

It was dead empty. In all the years we went there, we 

  1. Always had the same campsite for some reason.
  2. Never once saw another camper.

I came to appreciate that. But I also haven't been up there since the 90's, so when my wife started talking about camping, and more insistently, I suggested that. And off we went. We had a nice little site on the water that our kids enjoyed, and I recognized exactly nothing. Of course, we weren't in the same campsite I used to be in, because I couldn't find it.

I looked. I certainly knew what to look for, but it's like it wasn't there. Did the roads get moved? Sure the trees have changed, but the giant hill with the big rock? Or certainly half the buildings I would have recognized.

The kids loved it. They all wanted to stay. Alas, we had to go. I opted to drive around the camp a little bit, just to see everything. It was like the old campsite we stayed in never existed. I know memory is a fickle thing, but half the landmarks I was expecting just weren't there.

Regardless, everyone had a great time. Such a great time that they all fell asleep within an hour of getting home.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

It's not there

I use my phone all the time, but I never see it in my dreams. What's up with that?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Neverending rearrangement

I decided the basement needed a complete overhaul. One room was my office, and the other was supposed to be a lounge. Trouble is it never worked. The office was terribly inefficient use of space, and the lounge turned into a seldom used storage room.

3 days of painting and furniture moving later,  I think I fixed all the issues. I think. Now my office is combined with the lounge, and the other room is a sort of library. I'll let you know if I hate it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The bed

Apparently my back doesn't agree with the mattress I've been sleeping on, and my shoulder has been working with it to drive the point home. (I sleep on my side a lot) I finally just broke down and bought a new bed.

Turns out the old bed frame had broken down as well. Trying to move things around, I realize it had broken in 3 places and needed replacement as well. Off it went.

So my new bed is in place and everything is fine, but I have my old mattress kicking around. It's an otherwise perfectly fine mattress, it just doesn't agree with me. So with some shuffling, my son ditched his twin size, and now has a much larger bed in his room. 

He still sleeps right on the edge.