Sunday, January 29, 2023


The wife finished her twelve weeks of taxol. That's the drug that makes you bald, sick, and weak. Now she's only in once every three weeks, and she'll only be on herceptin and perjeta.

She actually finished the taxol back on the 12th, but the effects are cumulative, so it lingers. After her first week off, she told me she actually felt normal again.

But not for long. There's another round of exams and whatnot before we'll know what comes next. I can imagine it'll throw another wrench in the mix.

Monday, January 23, 2023


Near the entrance at the gym is a beverage cooler with things like Gatorade and protein shakes. A quick scan showed me they cost three times what they should, but anything in a brightly lit glass case typically is. Then it hit me:

The gym is like the club.

The music sucks, the drinks are overpriced, and the girls aren't interested.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

January at the gym

January at the gym. I was expecting vast hordes of new years resolutions overtaking the place, swarming over every piece of equipment.

There were maybe six people I didn't recognize, and four of them were gone by the end of week 1.

After some conversation, I learned that most of the new people were those that were already gym members but hadn't been there in months. The rest don't show up before dawn. Honestly I was bracing myself for the worst.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Lost a weekend

Friday I left work early. As the morning went on, I went downhill pretty quick. Got home and crashed. Saturday I went from sleeping to snacking and back to sleeping the entire day. Today? I woke up and started getting ready to go to church, but lost steam halfway through the process. The wife took the kids without asking if I was going to go. Apparently my face wasn't the right color. Did the same thing as Saturday.

When do I finally start to feel better? End of the day. Lamest weekend ever.

Sunday, January 1, 2023


I found something funny online. I went to show it to my son.

He had already seen it. In fact, he was familiar with the entire YouTube channel, and saw the entire series alrady.

I have to step up my game.