Friday, August 15, 2008

The rent is proportional

I've come to the conclusion that staying with my parents for the 6 weeks I've been here has cost me more than I realized. Most houses have what we collectively refer to as a "junk drawer". You know, that place where random crap goes. What used to be my room has turned into the biggest junk drawer I've ever seen. Every time I came to visit, you could not see my old bed. It was constantly covered with junk. My mother put a great deal of work into simply emptying the bed so I could sleep.

Going to bed early is not an option. It's a split level house, and the room is on the bottom. So is the room with the TV. In fact, the TV is pretty much right next to the door. There is always someone watching something, and gaining sleep before EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE puts up for the night is a feat to behold.

Sleeping in does not work. My niece (5 years old) and my nephew (3 years old - biggest set of lungs you've ever heard) wake up in the morning. She's not so loud, just very, very fast. She does not realize the impact she has on the house when she jumps down stairs and runs across the room. He, not so much. He could jump on my head and I would not realize it. The kid's smaller than a bean. But he's loud. Olympic crowds have asked him to quiet down.

Taking naps is impossible. I sleep in the junk drawer. People open the drawer to get crap all the time. Forget knocking.

Oh, sleeping at night. That's a neat trick. That mattress used to be comfortable. Not only is it small (twin), but it's been covered in crap (heavy crap) for so long that it's disjointed. I feel like I'm sleeping on a sack of potatoes. I wake up stiff and sore. I'm tired all day. I want my bed.

I'll go back to it on Sunday. My brother flew into town, so I'm putting up with it a few more days so I can hang out with him.

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