Thursday, October 30, 2008

Honesty box - a timeline

7:15 Wake up:

7:45 Check e-mail:

Honesty box message in Facebook? The color is blue, so it's a guy.

"you are charlie bartlet"


7:47 - Google - "charlie bartlet"

7:50 - Pirate Bay - "charlie bartlet"

7:51 - Open Bit Torrent

8:40 - Download finished.

Crap, I have to be somewhere at 10, and if I start watching, this movie will be over at 10:10

11:14 - get home. Start watching movie

12:45 - credit roll.


Looks like the only things I'm missing are millionaire parents and Kat Dennings pointing her lipstick at me.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

High School Reunion

They set up a website. - decent.
The website listed people that were going to the reunion - also decent.
Seven or so people on that list were the only ones I really wanted to see. - Nice.
None of them actually showed up.

It was interesting, to say the least. Last Saturday, I found myself surrounded by people from high school. Back then, I played the role of observer. I watched people, and never really joined the conversations. I've become far more outgoing since then, but the very fact that I'm writing this means that wasn't the case last week. No, I spent most of the time keeping to myself. Not that I wanted to, no. Everyone knew I was the quiet one, and they acted like it. (I can't blame them, really)

I'm calling you out Jason, where were you? And you Sarina, what's your excuse? Shannon, Patrick, Kerry, Adam, and who can forget "All that Pat". None of you were there, what gives?

Back to the checklist.
Open bar - why? If I know these guys, they'll just be getting drunk all night.
People still in high school - check.

It's been how long? and some of you guys are still acting like a bunch of idiot teenagers, albeit more subtle.

Don't get me wrong. Some of you guys were great. Long time no see. But you were far outshone. Some of the best conversation I had last week was with the SO's of actual classmates.

I've changed a lot since high school. Heck, the half way point was a drastic change. But since it didn't really show, I felt like I was back in high school. It was pretty surreal.

Excuse me, I need to hunt down the no-shows.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A bowl of lead

Ok, I came from a small college in Syracuse. The classes weren't exactly murder, and I had a lot of down time. Down time spent with friends goes by quickly, so it never felt like much.

Now I'm in a large university in Buffalo. I figured things would be largely the same, only bigger. That was half true. Some of it is bigger, but the workload my professors expect of me is exponentially bigger. (One history class alone requires us to read three books, none of them short, one of them by a poet in a rough translation from Latin)

Now, I took into account estimated workload when figuring out what kind of down time I'd have. To be frank, I miscalculated. I'm insanely busy at some times, then at others I have painfully long stretches of having nothing to do but read.

Screw you, Ovid. Screw you.