Thursday, October 9, 2008

A bowl of lead

Ok, I came from a small college in Syracuse. The classes weren't exactly murder, and I had a lot of down time. Down time spent with friends goes by quickly, so it never felt like much.

Now I'm in a large university in Buffalo. I figured things would be largely the same, only bigger. That was half true. Some of it is bigger, but the workload my professors expect of me is exponentially bigger. (One history class alone requires us to read three books, none of them short, one of them by a poet in a rough translation from Latin)

Now, I took into account estimated workload when figuring out what kind of down time I'd have. To be frank, I miscalculated. I'm insanely busy at some times, then at others I have painfully long stretches of having nothing to do but read.

Screw you, Ovid. Screw you.

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