Monday, March 15, 2010


A week ago I got the last of my midterms back. When I got the first one, I was somewhat disheartened. When I got the second one, I was notably... I suppose 'upset' is the word I'm looking for. Taking only three classes this semester, I was seriously hoping the third one would at least cheer me up. I took the understanding that the results of the third midterm would be like a bipolar retarded puppy. Either it will make me laugh and brighten my day, or it will acquire a sudden spastic case of Montezuma's revenge while running all over my new carpet.

It was not the former.

So once I was handed the third of these disasters, I decided to avoid saying that I bombed them, seeing as bombs usually do their jobs. I took a look at what the heck was going on. I actually had a pretty good feeling about all of these tests going in, and even felt fairly optimistic when they were being handed back. So I took inventory of my life and made a clear realization.

I am a sleepy drunk.

That's not to say I get sleepy when I get drunk, (I wouldn't know, as I've never been drunk nor have I even had *a* drink to let myself figure that out) but rather I get drunk when I'm sleepy. And much like the untrained masses that horde the clubs down the street from my hotel, I have a great deal of confidence in myself when I am drunk. That's when it hit me - I'm always sleepy. 100% tired, if you could put numbers on it. I didn't know what I was doing, but I didn't realize that. I'd been falling asleep in class constantly this semester and it kicked me like the aforementioned retarded puppy. That's when I decided to put my boss between a rock and a hard place. He could either find someone to fill in 3 of my shifts a week until summer started, or find someone to fill in all 5 of them until they decided to quit. Neither prospect appealed to him very much, but I knew the one that was easier for him to do was the one I wanted.

But I have put serious thought into just quitting outright. My summer would be somewhat boring (though I'm signing up for summer classes, so nuts to that) but I can't help but find myself constantly drawn to the idea the more I think about it.

I genuinely like my job, though, so it has that going for it.

(and you thought after reading the title that this would be about room cleanliness. ha!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Star Trek something something

So I've been a big fan of Star Trek pretty much my entire life. I liked watching Kirk and Khan have their grueling slug fest in the middle of a nebula, although I admit I didn't like it as much when I saw the exact same thing twenty years later later only with everything renamed. Granted, if you eat at the same cafeteria over and over again you're bound to have the same food more than once, but you can't tell me that in what is supposedly an infinitely large universe they keep running into the same problems over and over again.

Boldly going where they have been over and over again.

Having said that, I finally found the latest video game in the Star Trek franchise, simply titled "Star Trek Online". Quite likely the most original title in the history of both Star Trek and video games. Kudos to the staff on that one. But let's cut to the meat of the game. Through the opening storyline, a crisis puts my newly created ensign in command of a little starship, where I then go and fight off a Borg threat. Once the threat is averted, I report back to starfleet. That's pretty much where the story ends. Sure you'll find a various collection of GIANT WALL OF TEXT giving you your next mission, but there are really only three missions.

1. Go kill 5 of these.
2. Go scan 5 of those.
3. Go kill 5 of these while scanning 5 of those.

Perhaps it's not as bad as I'm making out to be, you think? Stop thinking. if you think, you're ahead of the game. While you have to fight a lot in the game, it's the same thing over and over. In the early stages of the game, you fight lots of small Klingon ships and a few big ones. I mistakenly assumed that as I progressed through the game, I would encounter more and newer bigger ships with bigger and better ways of trying to kill me. No, as it turns out, I just find the exact same groups of little ships with bigger ships - only they're much stronger now.

I understand that the standard qwerty keyboard allows people to use control + v with the same hand, but there are so many more keys that likely allow you to do much more. I'm starting to think that the developers idea of boldly going where no one has gone before involved sneaking a look into the unused ladies restroom. I take the understanding that the game designers have taken their tips from the series writers and just went to repeating themselves over and over again. I didn't expect that Star Trek would ever encourage me to do more exciting things, like homework.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I still work here... why?

There were five girls in the lobby last night. It was 30 degrees out, and they collectively had about 12 square inches of fabric between them. They complained about the cold. (durr o_O) They were in the lobby for an hour getting louder and louder about how their cab wasn't there yet.

They were loud. They were obnoxious. Then they had the strange sense to make fun of girls that wear very little on cold nights. There were actual people in the lobby getting annoyed with them. Skankzilla and the fabulous four had to go. So I did the only thing I could do.

I put them in the hotel van and dropped them off in the middle of downtown. I regret nothing.