Monday, March 15, 2010


A week ago I got the last of my midterms back. When I got the first one, I was somewhat disheartened. When I got the second one, I was notably... I suppose 'upset' is the word I'm looking for. Taking only three classes this semester, I was seriously hoping the third one would at least cheer me up. I took the understanding that the results of the third midterm would be like a bipolar retarded puppy. Either it will make me laugh and brighten my day, or it will acquire a sudden spastic case of Montezuma's revenge while running all over my new carpet.

It was not the former.

So once I was handed the third of these disasters, I decided to avoid saying that I bombed them, seeing as bombs usually do their jobs. I took a look at what the heck was going on. I actually had a pretty good feeling about all of these tests going in, and even felt fairly optimistic when they were being handed back. So I took inventory of my life and made a clear realization.

I am a sleepy drunk.

That's not to say I get sleepy when I get drunk, (I wouldn't know, as I've never been drunk nor have I even had *a* drink to let myself figure that out) but rather I get drunk when I'm sleepy. And much like the untrained masses that horde the clubs down the street from my hotel, I have a great deal of confidence in myself when I am drunk. That's when it hit me - I'm always sleepy. 100% tired, if you could put numbers on it. I didn't know what I was doing, but I didn't realize that. I'd been falling asleep in class constantly this semester and it kicked me like the aforementioned retarded puppy. That's when I decided to put my boss between a rock and a hard place. He could either find someone to fill in 3 of my shifts a week until summer started, or find someone to fill in all 5 of them until they decided to quit. Neither prospect appealed to him very much, but I knew the one that was easier for him to do was the one I wanted.

But I have put serious thought into just quitting outright. My summer would be somewhat boring (though I'm signing up for summer classes, so nuts to that) but I can't help but find myself constantly drawn to the idea the more I think about it.

I genuinely like my job, though, so it has that going for it.

(and you thought after reading the title that this would be about room cleanliness. ha!)

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