Friday, October 28, 2011

I am not Jack Handey

It's been obvious to me for a long time, but sometimes I need to remind myself that people generally only see what you show them. If they're paying attention (or are simply more observant), they'll see more about you than that. Unless, of course, you're acting in a manner inconsistent with your nature, in which case all bets are off.

What I can tell you for sure is that my older brother ALWAYS knows when I'm bluffing in poker. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad, I just need to find a way to take advantage of that in Vegas. Then delete this entry before I go.


One Halloween, years ago, I went all out. Black denim pants, Tripp jacket, white pinstripes with a chain necklace, black nail polish and red spiky hair. As I strolled around that community college campus, two things became apparent to me:

1. If you didn't know me before, you wouldn't have known it was a costume.
2. Many of the girls that I recognized from around campus noticed me that day, and I was hot.

Now I didn't realize that right away. I'm what you call "dumb" when it comes to these sorts of things. It was actually a few months after the fact that I noticed. When I consider my own relative inability to recognize when a girl is interested in me, I realize the girl I ran into this morning was anything but subtle. Or intelligent. Or attractive.

I realized early on that a wedding ring was much like The One Ring. I put that sucker on and I become invisible. I made like I was scratching my ear, and I didn't get a good-bye. In fact, I didn't even see which way she went, she was just *gone*.

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