Monday, December 26, 2011

Entirely too much eggnog.

As the title implies, my stomach has an aversion to dairy, and when eggnog is afoot I simply don't care. It always wins, but I make it earn every inch of ground.

Oog, I've been busy. Not busy-busy, just busy. My finals were all during the last week of class rather than in some bizarre schedule afterward, and my grades were all astounding. yay. I've been taking classes non stop this year. The breaks between summer and fall were nil, so suddenly coming upon winter break caught me off guard. I was going so fast getting all my work done, and not paying much attention to what the actual date was, that when it was over I was still going. I felt like Wile E Coyote running off a cliff. No more ground, still going.

So I cleaned my basement. The kind of clean that makes it finally alright for a toddler to come down and fill with toys. The kind of toys he can play with while his adult supervision plays video games nearby. Toys or cartoons. Toys or cartoons or snacks. Or some odd combination of all three which usually turns into a dance party.

My basement is awesome.

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