Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another New Years Day post.

My wife and I do this thing every new years where  we each write up a list of the top ten best things about the past year, and another ten things that will be awesome about the next year. Then we'll compare the previous years lists to what actually happened.

I'm 50/50 this year. Not bad. Without digging up the lists:

I no longer share a building with a neighbor that smokes the nastiest smelling skunk weed in town.
I had private study space on campus all year. Didn't see that coming, but I blame it for my GPA.

That's all. Like said, I'm not dredging up the lists. Though one important thing, I actually feel like I got my head on straight. I know, it seems like most people are like this, but it's completely new to me. I can think clearly, have attainable goals broken down into manageable chunks, etc.

And it's weird.

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