Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Well that was nice

OK, so 2013 saw a lot of high hopes, and an almost equal amount of said hopes never leaving the ground. I went into 2014 with a "I just hope it doesn't suck" attitude, and let me tell you...

It works!

I'm taking this whole "graduated and trying to find a place in the world" a bit more slowly, more methodically, and I'm not stressing about it anymore. I realized that I can't change the outcome of 90% of the things I deal with, and my stress levels have gone down accordingly. I also realized that 90% of my stress was coming from just one thing.

My old job.

Sounds bad? It does. The job was more boring than anything. Expectations were low, but I wasn't empowered to really fix anything. "Armed with an apology" is the best way I can sum it up. That and it was a real dead end. The guy that hired me was there for 10 years before he got bumped up to that seat. It was a combination of boredom and fatalism. Sure, my co workers were awesome (If you've managed to find my blog: I miss you guys)

So yea, the one big thing that changed was my employment, and everything around my life adjusted accordingly. Met some new people, made some new friends, and my sons discovered Lego.

...that last one is huge.

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