Thursday, December 31, 2015

What year was it?

Notable movies released this year:
Star Wars
Mad Max

Quick, what year is it? If you answered with anything, you're wrong. No Star Wars and Mad Max movie ever came out on the same year. But if you guessed 1980something, you'd be sort of right.

It having been several months since I moved, everything is settled, patterns have formed - my life actually feels normal. And not in the 'getting settled after moving' kinda way, but more completely. Before, my work schedule was always variable. My hours worked were a constant source of disconnection with my family and friends. Just the simple change from working 'whenever they schedule me, nights weekends evenings holidays' to 'M-F, 7-3' changed the entire feel of my life. I'm finally in sync with my family, have the same time off as my friends. I see my kids more often, talk to my friends more often. I *do* more.

I do miss Buffalo, but the tradeoff simply wasn't fair. Seeing my kids for 45 minutes a day vs getting tackled when I get home from work and swamped in a sea of lego, plushies, and video games wasn't a choice, it was obvious.

I kicked 2015's but.

Monday, December 21, 2015


My 8 month old daugher's breath smelled like toast this morning.

Toast. She doesn't even have teeth.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Old CD's

I found my old CD book.

More importantly, it's filled with my old CD's. I haven't bought a CD since... since... I think it was 2005. Anyway, it turns out my taste in music is crazier than I thought.

So I tossed it in my car and decided to listen to it. I can tell I bought some of them just for the one song everyone knew, there are some singles, soundtracks, and bizarre mixes I must have burned at some point.

My commute has become very interesting. J-pop, Phantom of the Opera, Gorillaz, and the Phantom Menace soundtrack. I don't even remember getting half of these. Maybe I didn't. Mysteries upon mysteries.

Dang, I wish my car had an auxiliary port. Or a USB connection. All I have is a CD player, and I finally ran out of blank CD's. That only took 12 years.