Saturday, May 20, 2017

The subterranean spot

My basement is, I would say, 99% done. The trim got weird in some places (the places where I forgot what I was doing), but I 200% don't care about that, so it's still a victory.

The dank 70's era carpet is long gone. The moldering ceiling tiles are gone. The walls have a fresh coat of paint. The new ceiling is raised up so it doesn't block half of the window. The new floor is *not* carpet.

When I had time, I had no supplies. When I had supplies, I had no time. When my other half finished the tax season, I suddenly had both. That was about a month ago. Now the work is just about done.

Feels good. This basement is, on average, 10-15 degrees cooler than the rest of the house. So I was really hoping to have it done and ready *before* summer decides to go full sauna on us.

Now if only I had some furniture down there.

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