Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The limit

I enjoy long walks. Hikes. I can be on my feet longer than anyone else I know. But I don't know my limit. I never reached it, because whoever I was with needed to stop.

Yesterday I went to the NYS Fair with my brother. We were there for 13 hours. My watch recorded 31,313 steps. (I usually reach a third of that, depending on how work is going). Oddly, I felt like I could have kept on going. There was nothing left to do. My brain was mush - my syntax was screwy. I was a purveyor of word salads. I sat in the car and felt nothing, but discovered upon returning home that getting out of the car was... difficult.

I slept for 10 hours.

According to my food log, and compared to my watch, I burned more than twice as many calories as I ate. I suppose that was my first mistake. Having since eaten, I can think again, although perhaps today is better left to academic pursuits.

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