Wednesday, January 30, 2019

More weather?

Seems it happens every week or so. This time it's extreme cold with high winds. Some schools closed a day ahead of time just to play it safe. The storm system is big enough that my wife's family in Wisconsin is dealing with temps of 30 below with wind chill taking it to minus 60. It's not that bad here, but still nerve wracking. Those are the kind of temperatures that solidify your liquid fuels - the ones you often use for heat.

Yea, not entirely comforting. Makes me want to redo the insulation in my house.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Storm of the- nevermind

Everyone was all worked up over it. People preemptively closed businesses, schools, and roads. Grocery stores ran wild with people trying to make large amounts of french toast.

A tepid seven inches of snow fell, and was quickly swept aside. Disruption due to the MASSIVE KILLSNOW was minimal. More was disrupted by the panic over it.

This is why I refuse to believe in bad weather until I see it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Bacon mints

Yes, bacon mints. My sister picked up a handful of tins as Christmas novelties, and when I saw her today she passed me one.

They taste exactly like you think they would.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Return of the Specs

So I left my glasses in New Mexico.

Not on purpose. As we packed up the van out of our last hotel in Edgewood NM, they stopped being where I put them. We searched the van, the hotel room, the lobby, but they were nowhere to be found. My guess was they were in the van somewhere.

I was wrong.

Day driving wasn't a problem. I had some silly looking sunglasses I had gotten for free at the State Fair this past summer, which my son asked to bring. Worked for me. Night driving, however, was handed off to my wife. Two days after we got home, after having fully unpacked everything, they were still missing.

I called the hotel. The same person that checked me in, and subsequently checked me out (she was stuck there too) answered the phone, and had found my glasses. She knew they were mine.

I sent a small box, inside it was another, smaller box with a prepaid shipping label. Inside that was just some foam and a note.

My glasses arrived today. The same person included a return note. I saw more people working at the hotel, but based on my experiences, I think she's the only employee.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Uncanny survival

I certainly wasn't planning on staying up for New Years, but being wound up and having too much to do led me right to it.

It all felt so anticlimactic. Just another calendar day passed by. I suppose having been stuck on the road for four days can cause one to lose their sense of time. I saw the celebrations, heard the fireworks, and it just didn't hit me at all.

There's something to be said about buildup.