Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Caffeine free

I can't exactly tell you when it happened, but I realized that getting out of bed should not be a chore after sleeping in. I decided I needed not just to cut back my caffeine intake, but to cut it out.

I started with metered doses, cutting it down little by little to stave off the headaches. That took a week. The slight grogginess throughout the day took awhile longer. It's been several weeks and I haven't had any caffeine at all. Honestly, I sleep so well. I lay down and *pop* I am OUT. I wake up in the morning and I'm... awake. Just like that.

The biggest thing is the stress. I normally deal with a degree of physical stress as a result of my job, but that's external. I used to feel physical stress that was more internal. I'm so much more relaxed.

Bonus: 90% of my caffeine intake came through soda. I just removed a wild majority of sugar from my diet, with all the bonuses that entails.

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