Tuesday, March 31, 2020


While my workplace has been deemed "essential" by whoever is calling the shots, we're still voluntarily closed. So far we're on track to reopen next week Monday, unless things get worse.

But we also have to keep six feet apart. Work stations are right next to each other, and we don't have enough variety in workspace to really manage that. Unless we only take half the staff back.

This is gonna be tricky.

So much I want to say that I'm just not gonna.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Literally everything

I was supposed to go back to work today. After my followup appointment with my doctor last week Tuesday, I was prescribed a week with no physical labor. (I can't even bring a basket of laundry up from the basement without getting winded)

Last week was supposed to be my "relax all day and nap whenever" week to help recover. Instead they closed the schools Monday and I had anxiety riddled youth crawling all over me. I don't blame them, but it certainly wasn't helping. At least I could sit around all day.

Thursday I got notice that my workplace is shutting down for 2 weeks. Not because we were required to (because we weren't - we make parts for military and civilian aircraft and have been deemed essential), but to help the employees. Some of them have kids that aren't in school anymore, and everyone had some level of anxiety about this. It certainly does help slow the spread. I don't want a one sick coworker sending the others to the hospital.

So it's been 12 days since I left work. I'm going stir crazy. I actually *wanted* to go back to work, if only to feel normal for awhile. I can't even focus on my hobbies because my stir crazy, attention hungry kids won't let their mother or I do anything on our own.

It's snowing outside right now and I'm low on butter. This sucks.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Shut down everything

So yea, that happened. County officials decided to close the schools originally starting next Monday until April 13. One case was confirmed this morning, and they just shut down the whole thing. Schools let out and that's a wrap. Kids get a month off.

People are cleaning out grocery stores. I guess it got scary.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Heart what?

So I've felt [symptoms] for about a week and a half, and the wife always tells me to call a doctor. Whenever I *do* call a doctor, I either get a runaround or sent to the hospital.

Well I spent most of Wednesday in a hospital. Apparently blood pressure of 180 over 120 is bad. (I was just sitting there, not even doing anything strenuous)

I get to go back today so they can torture me more to figure out what's wrong with me. If I stop blogging, just assume I died.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Every year my wife makes a paper chain to count down the days of tax season. It hangs across a wall in our living room, letting everyone know how many (or few) days remain.

This year, I decided to ignore it. I've more or less hated tax season ever since our schedules went sideways. I admit I had a hard time having the kids alone every day (for the first time), but it's gotten easier as they've gotten older (and I seem to know what I'm doing)

But ignoring the paper chain seems to make it disappear faster, and I like that.