Monday, March 23, 2020

Literally everything

I was supposed to go back to work today. After my followup appointment with my doctor last week Tuesday, I was prescribed a week with no physical labor. (I can't even bring a basket of laundry up from the basement without getting winded)

Last week was supposed to be my "relax all day and nap whenever" week to help recover. Instead they closed the schools Monday and I had anxiety riddled youth crawling all over me. I don't blame them, but it certainly wasn't helping. At least I could sit around all day.

Thursday I got notice that my workplace is shutting down for 2 weeks. Not because we were required to (because we weren't - we make parts for military and civilian aircraft and have been deemed essential), but to help the employees. Some of them have kids that aren't in school anymore, and everyone had some level of anxiety about this. It certainly does help slow the spread. I don't want a one sick coworker sending the others to the hospital.

So it's been 12 days since I left work. I'm going stir crazy. I actually *wanted* to go back to work, if only to feel normal for awhile. I can't even focus on my hobbies because my stir crazy, attention hungry kids won't let their mother or I do anything on our own.

It's snowing outside right now and I'm low on butter. This sucks.

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