Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Warm pajamas

I don't have a lot of dresser space, so my pajamas have to share. I have lightweight shorts and shirt combos for summer, and heavier flannel / fleece sets for winter. Well it got cold, so I dug out the bin from under my bed and made the exchange.

None of my pajamas fit.

I pulled them on and they fell right down to the floor. Amusing, yes. I know I lost weight, but I didn't expect it to be so dramatic. Frog in a pot that I've been, I suppose I should have seen that coming.

I don't consider this bragging, because I don't think anyone actually reads this blog.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Timing discipline

Going to the gym in the morning requires that I leave so I can get to work. It's a deliberate cutoff - I have to go. But on days when I don't have that requirement, I find that I just stay there. This morning I got there when they opened (which was late, because it's a holiday or something), and was there two and a half hours. I left because I simply couldn't do anything else. 

Oh, I knew exactly how long I'd been there. It's hard to lose track of time when you're always timing yourself. I just didn't want to go.

But I suppose today of all days is the one to overdo it at the gym. Gotta earn that big dinner.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Candy mafia

A week before Halloween, I told my kids not to give me any candy. I told them that if I asked, say no. If they saw me taking any, take it back. Don't let me have candy. I may have developed some good self control over my diet in the last year, but I decided on this anyway. 

They opted to eat the candy I liked first. Then they ate the stuff that didn't have red food coloring. (Either that or they hid the rest) Now what's left is stuff that will give me migraines. I have to admit I'm proud of how they pulled it off.

Turns out it wasn't necessary anyway. A mere look into their stash showed me nothing but sloppy sugar and the kinds of candy that pull out fillings. My oldest also pointed out that, as an adult with a job and a car, I can just go out and get whatever candy I want whenever I want anyway, and that I don't.

He's 14 now and I keep forgetting that.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Daylight hacking time

I know the stated reason for doing the time change at 2AM on Sunday. To minimize the impact on business.

Screw that noise. None of us benefit from an extra hour on Sunday mornings. I didn't change my clocks until Sunday night. I had a normal day (mindful, after all, half my clocks change themselves), and when it was time to go to bed, I changed the rest of the clocks and went to sleep.

Monday morning, that's when you want that extra hour. So that's when I took it. This whole thing needs to go anyway.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Wrong day off

The schools always have these random days off that aren't on known holidays. The calendar always calls them something like 'superintendent conference days' or whatnot. That's fine, let them take a day to sort themselves out. 

But why isn't November 1 one of them?

I can make my case in one word: Halloween. Or in one short sentence: it's the day after Halloween. The kids were up late either running amok in the neighborhood, or out late at a party. They stayed up eating candy and watching an appropriately themed movie whose genre is defined by their age bracket. Either way, they had a terrible night sleep.

It's even a Catholic holiday. Maybe if we got them on board we could do this.