Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Switching it up

When this school year began, my oldest son had a 6am extra-curricular that I had to drive him in twice a week for. Puts a cramp in the schedule when the gym opens at 5 and work starts at 7. What I had to do was switch my gym routine so that I went in only three days a week, but I hit it pretty hard when I did. It worked, but near the end of the school year, I started to plateau. 

The new routine was not met without protest. My body had become very efficient at doing what I was doing, and as a result was not doing what I wanted it to. I swear my body is designed to be as lazy as possible. Whatever I do regularly becomes easy, and any growth or other changes I want to see just don't happen. I have to keep myself guessing.

I think I'm the only use case for a workout app with a randomize feature.

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