Monday, September 30, 2024

Dream disappointment

I had this weird dream the other night. I was sick, and getting sicker. So I went to the doctor, and he poked and prodded at me, taking blood and whatnot. Soon the results came back, and there were more questions. Then the police showed up and they had their own questions.

Soon enough, I went home, only to find the police there asking my wife questions. Quickly enough, she was arrested for attempted murder. Turns out my ailment was, in fact, poisoning, and she had tried to off me.

Tried. Tried and failed. Just before my dream ended and I woke up, I remember feeling not afraid, not sad, but disappointed. How could she screw up such a simple task?

Of course, when I told her about this dream, she was confident that not only could she succeed, but that it would look innocent.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Sneaky dirt

Sure, lawn work is never clean, but I didn't expect this. I wear long pants and tall socks - the last thing I enjoy is having my legs (even my ankles, no short socks here) getting pelted by flying grass and whatnot. I come out of it with grass, dirt, and sweat all over. My feet, however, are normally just very sweaty.

My feet were dirty. Like, with dirt. Dirt dirt. Alright, I get it. I also tore out my garden, but this dirt didn't just make its way down into my shoe, it was on a pilgrimage to reach my toes. I only wonder how much it cost them.

Monday, September 16, 2024

I can't see

I got my glasses in my early 20's. I only need them for distance, so I only wear them when I'm driving. Going without is not an impediment in my daily life, and even when I lost them on a road trip all it did was prevent me from night driving. 

Also, I had to wear some bright pink novelty sunglasses, because that's the only spare we had.

Imagine this morning, I looked over and saw what I thought was the strangest hairstyle you could ever cook up. Imagine someone was balding, but not only grew out what they had on the sides, but teased it outward so far it was twice the width of their head.

As soon as he got closer I realized they were just headphones. 🤷

Monday, September 9, 2024

The time off

So I really needed a break from the gym. I was getting clumsy and uncoordinated and I'm not sure my brain knew what to do with my body.

I'm told this isn't terribly uncommon.

Well I had the last week in August off (everyone did, we closed), so I decided that was the week to do it. If I didn't have to get up for work, I wasn't going to get up for the gym either. I have a habit of showing up when they open, and if I don't have work I want to sleep.

And sleep I did. I slept so much.

But I got back to it last week, and last week was a stretch. My warmups felt like my workouts, and I had to drop the numbers a little. By the end of the week I was back to where I left off, but it was a little disconcerting how quickly I dropped off.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Fair bag - part deux

Took the wife this time. Didn't forget anything. Did I call it or what?