Monday, September 30, 2024

Dream disappointment

I had this weird dream the other night. I was sick, and getting sicker. So I went to the doctor, and he poked and prodded at me, taking blood and whatnot. Soon the results came back, and there were more questions. Then the police showed up and they had their own questions.

Soon enough, I went home, only to find the police there asking my wife questions. Quickly enough, she was arrested for attempted murder. Turns out my ailment was, in fact, poisoning, and she had tried to off me.

Tried. Tried and failed. Just before my dream ended and I woke up, I remember feeling not afraid, not sad, but disappointed. How could she screw up such a simple task?

Of course, when I told her about this dream, she was confident that not only could she succeed, but that it would look innocent.

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