Thursday, July 24, 2008

I drive a matchbox car.

Last August, I bought my car. I was driving a 98 Contour for awhile, but it wasn't really mine, and I needed something that I knew was still there. So in the middle of the August heat, I bought a 95 Geo Prism. It needed new exhaust (still does), the rear left door doesn't open, spot cracks on the windshield, the vents wouldn't stay in place (the ones on the dash), the rear view mirror sometimes shows you what's behind the car, the filler neck was broken (the guy i bought it from "fixed" that), the fuel gauge doesn't work, and it had a funny smell. But I still bought it.


When I took it on that brief test drive, the air conditioner worked. Not only did it work, I needed a parka and gloves. Now, a year later, the AC is still cold. I mean bitter cold. My tiny little car is a piece of junk, but it's a cold piece of junk. Surprisingly, the only repairs I needed to do was replacing the fuel line. $40 total. It's not even pretty. It's an ugly car. I call it my little chameleon. Now all the back and forth between Syracuse and Buffalo is killing it. I don't know what I would do without my crap cooler.

... I'm bored.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


My sister just had her baby today. Yay her, right?

Most newborns, despite what almost everyone says, are hideous. They're typically a color unknown on humans, their skin is saggy and lumpy, and their faces often resemble Popeye. Seriously, newborn babies look like sausages. Give them a week or two to get used to breathing and by then their skin won't look like it was just soaked for the last nine months.

Oddly enough, this baby did not meet my expectations. Then again, my sister was always like that.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pretty boom

I thought I would be back in Syracuse for July 4th. I didn't want to spend the day in Buffalo. I still don't know anyone out in Buffalo, and the idea of a solo BBQ just didn't fly. Alas, things did not turn out as I hoped. My family went to the beach, my friends grilled the day away... and I kept unpacking.

They didn't see any fireworks. UB put on one impressive display. I'm calling it a wash.