Sunday, September 6, 2009

fire water burn

School started last Monday. Remember the schedule I posted? At some point, I'm gonna completely freak out and start to kill people.

Female company started her new job. Her sister arrived, my office is moved out into the front room... and I still have no ceiling. Looks like 'ol "ownerofthehousethatneedstorepairtheplace" is gonna have to work around it.

Speaking of the repairs: it's all been outdoor so far. Working on the roof and side wall. A large pile of debris formed in front of the house. It was mostly collected before the weekend started, but alas, it wouldn't all fit in the truck.

"Oh, I can get that Tuesday morning when we get started again" thinks Mr Landlord.

It used to be a reasonably small pile of wood and assorted crap. I used to be almost asleep in the back of the house. It wasn't her voice that got me, it was the sound of her rushing through the house that first got my attention. It was in that subtle, yet alarming state of mind that says "something's not right" that arouses the senses while the rest of my body fights it off. Of course, her bursting through the door was the cavalry that aided my brain in overcoming my poor self and brought me to a disgruntled state of mostly-aware.


"...what wood?"

As I stood in front of the house, I saw the pile of wood engulfed in flame. Some blamed a tossed cigarette butt, others blamed a bored opportunist. It reeked of smoke more-so than foul play. Either way, it was universally agreed that such things could be avoided by not having piles of wood laying about next to the sidewalk.

(On a side note: this is why I love rain in the summer and the winter cold. It keeps such bored opportunists indoors and away from me)

"No way am I using my fire extinguisher for this"

It was far enough away from the house to not be a worry, but still... A bucket brigade was my only option, until a much welcomed neighbor brought a garden hose. Someone called the fire department (not I, nor did I request it). A fire truck arrived in time to watch a pajama clad barefoot night auditor hosing off a pile of ash and smoke. In a moment of levity odd for such a moment, I turned to my sister in law and with a big grin, said:

"Welcome to Buffalo!"

1 comment:

Tina said...

you get to have all the fun.....