Saturday, December 3, 2016

No shave Novemburrr

As I have often done, I refused to shave during the month of November.  No-shave-November, Movember, Novembeard, I've heard quite a few variants of the name. It's supposed to be to raise awareness of something, but I just use it as an excuse to be lazy.

Also, my wife seems to really like it. I start to hate it about two weeks in. (I'm lazy, but not that lazy)

So three days into December, I decided I needed to see my face again. This year was met with some similar experiences, and some new ones.

Old ones:
My face is cold. As in the gentle breeze caused by simply walking put a chill to my chin. More pronounced this year due to cooler weather. Still old news.
My wife did a double take and said nothing.

My 19 month old daughter caught the sight of me, and made it very clear that I did not have her permission to shave. She can't speak yet, however her ability to communicate is unparalleled. If I ran this by her in advance, she would have said no. Maybe it's better that I didn't.

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