Monday, March 12, 2018

Daylight wasting time

I'm sure I speak for everyone in the modern world when I say that the act of setting our clocks an hour ahead in the spring is an outdated and barbaric practice that needs to die immediately.

Don't even mention setting them an hour back later on. That's not a bonus, we're getting our time back. It's like a tax refund for time.

I could rant about how people shouldn't have to get up early, and just about every single reason people have given me for this nonsense has been, well, nonsense. (Farmers? Energy savings? LIES) People die.

But I'm the kind of the guy that sees the silver lining. You see, my kids have been waking us up early every morning. We simply never adjusted them. Ignored the clock and put them down to bed when their little bodies were used to it.

This morning we were reminded what my alarm sounded like. The pitter patter of little feet and the cacophony of prepubescent whines didn't shatter the tranquility of my morning.

No, it was the fatigue.

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