Monday, June 11, 2018

Down with the sweetness

Part of getting old means finally admitting that I don't have the metabolism of a teenager any more.

I'm in my mid 30's, I should have admitted this a decade ago. Whatever.

So anyway I'm trying to cut all the extra sugar out of my diet. Junk food, soda, etc. Problem is, I'm finding sugar everywhere. How can a tiny cup of yogurt have 37 grams of sugar in there? There aren't even 37 grams of yogurt in the thing.

It's in the bread.

And when they slap labels on it saying "low sugar" or some nonsense, they've replaced the sugar with some carcinogenic garbage like sucralose or aspartame. I need to have a conversation with food producers when they get to that stage. Once they take the sugar out - STOP. Don't put the cancer in. Just leave it.

Meanwhile, my efforts to remove just the extra junk has left me... feisty. I'm eating a lot of fruit just to shut my body up. I dream of donuts. I tell myself not to the store go alone.

My clothes fit a little more comfortably. I'm not sure I enjoy the trade.

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