Monday, June 4, 2018


I don't dread Mondays. The start of a work week, coupled with the demise of a weekend, do not vex my mere existence. There are some times when the weekend itself is rougher than my employment, and Monday mornings are a welcome change. (Having kids will do that to you)

No, what I hate are coworkers that whine about Mondays, every single Monday.

You know the type. Every single Monday, they start off droopy, and the first thing out of their mouths is some lamentation regarding the day of the week. As if it was some painful mark upon their calendars that burnt away any remaining joy. Monday happens every single week, how have you not figured this out by now? Look I'm no life guru, but adjusting your expectations to reality, especially a reality that literally never changes and has always been that way, shouldn't be that hard. In fact, I'm more surprised there are people like this left.

These are the same people that celebrate Fridays as if it were some kind of achievement. Surviving the march of time can be taxing, I suppose, but throwing a mini party every single week just because you got to it seems to devalue the whole thing.

Oh crap, I've turned into one of those people that complain about everything. I need to blog about food or something.

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