Thursday, July 12, 2018

Bowman Lake

So I've been camping. It's a thing I do. I take my older sons with me and we disappear for a couple of days, then come back smelling like campfire and... not lemon fresh.

Last year we stayed at Green Lakes state park. It's nearby, which is safe. It also makes it busy - you get a *lot* of people staying there. I always go on Mondays, which always sees smaller crowds, but the camp sites are smooshed together and you get a lot of noisy kids.

This year, I found what is apparently the least well known state park in New York. We were the only people in the tent area.

Only people. We had about 12 camp sites to ourselves. The entire loop was ours.

Of course, going right after everyone spent themselves over the 4th of July didn't hurt, but still. My only regret was not pre-loading the map into my phone, because there was no signal at all. I had to stare at a map like Magellan until my phone finally caught a tower on our way out.

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