Monday, September 24, 2018

The unbreakable piñata

My youngest son seems to enjoy piñatas. His past few birthdays he's wanted one, and honestly, fine whatever. It's a candy explosion, they happen at kids birthdays anyway.

This year, the dinosaur was strong. It was a t-rex filled with snickers and peanut butter cups. There were eight small children. Piñata limbs were broken, cracks in the body showed, but it held strong. A single candy fell after a few rounds.

The children were restless. The t-rex would not release its sweet insides. I summoned my oldest niece. She's a teenager (wasn't even participating, just happened to be there), and had several years of martial arts training. She was armed, motivated, and inspired by the hopes of the surrounding children.

She lined up a shot, and took exactly one swing. Body parts went flying. Chocolaty eviscera blasted across the lawn. She turned and walked without a second glance. The children descended like locust.

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