Monday, September 30, 2019

A and B to CD

Vinyl and tapes had their A side and B side, which alphabetically led us to the CD. From there I could make a joke about MP3, but I'd get lost in a sea of file extensions and I don't think that's funny material at all.

I might also lose what little audience I have left on this blog.

My dear wife has apparently been disc swapping constantly while driving the kids around, and came to the conclusion that her husband (a man that's been manipulating audio files for decades) might be able to help her out.

When approaching the task, I realized that I haven't had to do this in some time. I felt like I had to knock the dust off the software and remind my computer that it had an optical drive. At some point I'll take out the last disc, and in that moment I won't really know it's the last one. Does anyone remember the last time they used a floppy disc? I got a replacement motherboard years back, and realized I couldn't connect my old floppy drive because it didn't have the right connection type. I never bothered to keep one after that. I simply couldn't remember when I ever needed it past late 2000, early 2001 or so.

It's a weird thing to think about.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wardrobe season

It's that wonderful time of year where you have to put on a coat in the morning, but take it off before 9am because it suddenly got hot again. Then some clouds breeze overhead and the ice forms again. Once nature settles on a temperature, your coworkers will start to debate on whether to keep the overhead open, or turn on the AC.

Meanwhile I'm over here just ready for *anyone* to make up their mind.


Monday, September 16, 2019

The case of the fused vertebrae

So my mother needed surgery. They needed to fuse three of the vertebrae in her neck. That was just over a week ago. She has to wear a cervical collar until Thanksgiving. She's sore, can't sleep well, can't eat most foods (has to be really soft)

And I'm over here like; my mom isn't invincible?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Follicle chroma

My wife began by saying I may have a hard time accepting what she's about to tell me.

Ladies: This is *not* how you change the subject when you're talking about your relationship.


So I braced myself and she paused before telling me I had a lot of gray hair. Having been prepared for some indeterminate bombshell about our relationship, I had to quickly switch gears to tell her that no, that wasn't a problem at all. In fact, it was just fine.

You see, you can only have gray hair if it's there.

Take a look at my family's genetics. I'm doomed to one day sport a chrome dome. I'll be saving a lot of money on shampoo. Both sides of the family granted me such a legacy. Both of my brothers are on their way.

...I'm not. Not yet, but I know it's happening. Two people have told me they think I'm thinning but photos from my early 20's show that's just not the case. (Pics of other people where my head is at an ungainly angle, to be honest)

I feel like my head is going to be that last tree in the fall that just suddenly dumps its leaves on the last day. If, however, I manage to skip that, I won't mind having a mess of silver locks.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


So the sunflowers were short lived. I got home from work the other day to find the two on the end had collapsed, toppling over and pulling out their own roots. As I set out to clear them, the others fell in succession, like dominoes.

My second born was very upset. My oldest questioned why. The rest noted that they could now see out the front window. After months of dull green stalks, I hoped that the bright yellow blossoms might last awhile.

Yea, I'm absolutely going with a different variety next year.