Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Follicle chroma

My wife began by saying I may have a hard time accepting what she's about to tell me.

Ladies: This is *not* how you change the subject when you're talking about your relationship.


So I braced myself and she paused before telling me I had a lot of gray hair. Having been prepared for some indeterminate bombshell about our relationship, I had to quickly switch gears to tell her that no, that wasn't a problem at all. In fact, it was just fine.

You see, you can only have gray hair if it's there.

Take a look at my family's genetics. I'm doomed to one day sport a chrome dome. I'll be saving a lot of money on shampoo. Both sides of the family granted me such a legacy. Both of my brothers are on their way.

...I'm not. Not yet, but I know it's happening. Two people have told me they think I'm thinning but photos from my early 20's show that's just not the case. (Pics of other people where my head is at an ungainly angle, to be honest)

I feel like my head is going to be that last tree in the fall that just suddenly dumps its leaves on the last day. If, however, I manage to skip that, I won't mind having a mess of silver locks.

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