Thursday, November 28, 2019


Knowing full well that someone is going to put in way more effort than anyone asked for, only to complain that the kids only ate a roll, I'm going in armed with sarcasm and a veggie tray.

I've seen people saying that they're supposed to start at noon, but usually start several hours late because some guests prefer to arrive at dinnertime. What maniac eats dinner at noon?

Then there are the people who apparently aren't allowed to eat until dinner. They go without breakfast or lunch, thinking that will help them eat more dinner.  

News Flash: 

All you're doing is making yourself cranky and miserable, and probably sharing your misery with the overcrowded house you're currently occupying.

My kids want hot dogs and rolls this morning, and honestly they can have it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Consistent awakening

It seems that regardless of the time I go to bed, I wake up at the same time. Take for example, I stayed up later than normal a few nights ago, yet woke up at my usual time between 5 and 5:30. I was dog tired, but couldn't fall back asleep. Last night I was more tired than usual, and went to bed closer to 7pm (I just quit for the day, I know). Granted, I didn't fall asleep until about 8ish, but that's still really early for me.

I woke up this morning at 5am. There must be a setting somewhere with a hard wake-up time programmed in...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Rude awakening

I used to think the worst way to wake up was when a parent entered the room, ripped off my blanket, and opened the curtains.

For the record: my parents never had a good reason to do that.

Later the title of worst was passed to my alarm clock, reminding me that I stayed up too late. The successor to such was my kids jumping on me.

They don't do that anymore. Now I just wake up with headaches. Sometimes it's when I need to wake up, other times it's at 2am. I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on. WebMD tells me it's cancer. My body isn't talking. Is this the human version of a check engine light? Where do I plug in the diagnostic tool?

On second thought, don't answer that.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rakes, shoots, and leaves

I have this massive tree in my backyard, and I do mean massive. It's easily twice the height of my house, with a canopy that reaches over the fence on both sides, and covers half the length. It's a maple tree, so the leaves are broad enough (and the branches thick enough) to create an impressive shade for my back yard.

Until the turn of the season.

It's one of those trees that likes to hang on until the bitter end. Or rather, the bitter cold. When the leaves finally do fall, it's nearly all at once, and so cold out that it's almost snowing. It gets windy, but that's no help. The fence surrounding my yard is chain link (came with the house, definitely not my choice), so when the wind blows, they all clump up along the side of the yard along the fence.

Enter the big mower.

My eldest son takes care of the yard while I'm at work, but I take care of my grandfather's yard next door. I have a small push mower (and a narrow yard). My grandfather has a large riding mower. With everything lined up, I just need one pass and it turns to a fine mist, blowing away in the wind.

I hate gathering leaves.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


One of the benefits of my job is that it comes with steady hours. Making plans for a weekend six weeks from now? Yep, I can do that.

Then the overtime started. 

Oh sure, it's not mandatory. Nobody is required to put in the extra hours. Unless you have a good size family and a healthy obligation to care for them. Or if you're handed a key and a security code and asked if you can open up tomorrow.

Silver lining: my kids don't let anyone sleep in on the weekend anyway.