Friday, February 21, 2020

Mid winter fever

This week is that odd week in the middle of February where kids in NY don't have school. I don't know why, but if it were up to me I'd cancel it then end the school year a week sooner. (There's no good reason school out here should run through the end of JUNE)

But then my kids got sick. First the daughter, aching and sleepy all Saturday. Then the boys, one by one with the same symptoms. My third son was the holdout. He was fine all week. Then last night happened. He was up all night throwing up.

My dear wife, knowing full well that I have work in the morning, tried to minimize the disturbance, but he was rather distressed. Poor kid.

Meanwhile, my oldest, who has been reading my old Calvin and Hobbes books, has been acting a bit like a lawyer.

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