Saturday, July 17, 2021

Retro style

In the ongoing rain (just won't stop), my kids have been indoors a fair bit. They do play video games, but not the way modern society likes.

You see, I used to play games on consoles, before doing everything on my computer. When the kids were old enough to start gaming on their own, they did so on older consoles, playing older games. It stuck. I have a Wii U, and I'll spend $5 downloading an old NES title that not only makes them happy, but keeps them busy for a month or two at a time.

No way am I spending $60 on some garbage triple-A title with a slew of microtransactions, not to mention the ugly online community. Nooooooooooooooope.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Tent failure

Getting home from camp was, as it always is, a relief. First thing I did was set up our tent in the back yard so it could be cleaned and dried out, and we could waterproof it. We waterproofed it as best we could, then it rained. It didn't stop raining for a week. The rain just kept coming. The other night the power flickered. Didn't cut out, but I knew the wind was blowing the power lines around pretty bad.

Then one morning, it wasn't raining. The tent had been pulled off the ground and thrown across the yard. Poles had been shredded, tent stakes bent as they were pulled from the ground.

So yea, we're getting a new tent. This one lasted us eleven years, chosen because it was the one that was there as we were on our way out to a camping trip (turns out we stayed in the cabin, others stayed in my new tent). It's put us through many outdoor excursions, but its time has come.

Oh well.

Thursday, July 8, 2021


Wednesday morning, I felt well enough to go. Or at least I thought I did. I attempted, some household tasks, knowing that if I could manage those, I could at least make it through camp.

Having succeeded, I ventured out. I arrived at camp finding an unfortunate sight.

Everyone else had fallen ill the night before, and had spent themselves after an already rough night. Everyone was already exhausted. The boys were interested in little more than poking the campfire. My daughter wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and sleep. She was already done with the trip before I got there. I immediately became the cavalry, and really all I did was let the wife focus on the kids while I did the rest. The kids actually fell asleep before 11pm

Then the night fell. We heard countless thunderstorms to the south of us, and the sound of winds rushing in the distance. They all passed by. The wireless signal was patchy, allowing texts, but not much else. So of course I texted my brother and asked him to check the weather at camp. It was coming, and it was bigger than we expected.

So right at 11pm, the loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard tore the sky apart right above us. My wife jumped out of bed, losing her breath. The boys sat up, asking in no uncertain terms, "Why tonight, of all nights?"

My six year old daughter slept right through it. Like I said, she was done with the trip already, and the sky being torn apart above us wasn't going to bother her.

Meanwhile, the thin sheet of nylon separating us from the storm took care to remind us that we hadn't finished waterproofing (We waterproofed the *other* tent, and used what was left on the floor of this one, so yea..). The floor wasn't letting anything soak in from the outside, but the ceiling was less than forgiving.

By the time morning came, we almost gave up on the rest of the trip. Rather than quit, we took them out on the tiny lake. (The wife has an inflatable kayak, which was still in my car). Honestly that fixed it just enough. 

Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust enough.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Mid-week after the 4th of July: one of the best times to go camping, for reasons I've mentioned previously. The reservation was made, the gear prepared, and then we waited. 

My oldest son got sick over the weekend. Friday and Saturday he was coughing, feverish, and generally gross. Sunday, the wife and I were lounging around being lazy when he came in, gave her a huge hug..

and coughed right in my face.

Monday morning I felt amazing. I felt better than good, I was awesome. Of course it was a day off work, so when the kids were (somehow) being quiet, I closed my eyes for a bit.

Then woke up nearly unable to speak. I kept myself down, hoping it would all pass. This morning I woke up feeling worse. I tried to help the final preparation, but found myself unable to do much. By mid afternoon, they had gone to Bowman Lake without me.

At most, I can type out my sob story.

Sunday, July 4, 2021


This time last year, everyone in NYS was in the midst of their "EVERYBODY PANIC" and for some reason, I couldn't go camping.

No really, the campground was closed. When everyone was screaming "soCiAl DISTaNcINg", they oddly decided that a little used campground in the middle of nowhere needed to be closed, so I could stay home in the suburbs.

Anyway I missed out last year, and I hated that. This year I'm making up for it with 5 times as many camping trips planned. 

I just want to be in the woods, is that too much to ask?