Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Mid-week after the 4th of July: one of the best times to go camping, for reasons I've mentioned previously. The reservation was made, the gear prepared, and then we waited. 

My oldest son got sick over the weekend. Friday and Saturday he was coughing, feverish, and generally gross. Sunday, the wife and I were lounging around being lazy when he came in, gave her a huge hug..

and coughed right in my face.

Monday morning I felt amazing. I felt better than good, I was awesome. Of course it was a day off work, so when the kids were (somehow) being quiet, I closed my eyes for a bit.

Then woke up nearly unable to speak. I kept myself down, hoping it would all pass. This morning I woke up feeling worse. I tried to help the final preparation, but found myself unable to do much. By mid afternoon, they had gone to Bowman Lake without me.

At most, I can type out my sob story.

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