Friday, October 29, 2021

School pictures

Can someone tell me why school pictures operate the way they do? I get it, they line up every kid in the school, trot them through the auditorium / gym / stage / whatever and everyone gets a pic for the various school publications, but...

Why do they charge what they do, and the way they do it?

At my kids school, you pick any overpriced package, and you get no proofs. You get one retake. You can't be there to make sure your kids hair is actually straight or their shirt didn't get juice dumped on it in lunch 10 minutes before.

My point is, these photographers are acting like it's still the 70's, and they're the only one in town with a camera. Every year, I've been nothing but disappointed in the school photos. I can get a better shot on my phone in my basement. This racketeering must end.

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