Friday, October 8, 2021

The best worst timing, or, a tale of dental convenience.

I had a dentist appointment. Or rather, a followup. I had a cavity that needed taking care of (I wasn't flossing). The appointment was in the morning, and not an hour beforehand, I was flossing. (Because I wasn't flossing before). While doing so, the floss got stuck.

It went in, and wouldn't go out. It wasn't just loose floss I could slide out, this was a flosser. 

See that guy? One of those was stuck in between my teeth. But it's just minty string, so I gave it a good pull, expecting it to break.

Nope. Turns out, it was stuck on a loose filling (remember how I wasn't flossing before?). No, I gave it a good pull and the filling came out instead. I gave the dentist a heads up, and within 2 hours of losing a filling, it was replaced.

Of all the timing.

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