Friday, March 24, 2023

The guilded cage

So things keep changing at work. Someone left abruptly, I was given their old job. I did their job, in their old office. I also did my old job while training my replacement... while learning how to do my old job.

Well things keep getting busier. More orders, more paperwork, etc. The guy that left came back, and he got his old office back. So what happened to me?

Well, the VP moved to Florida, leaving her office completely empty. She was gonna come back every so often, but I heard her health took a downturn and travel isn't on the table any more. Know what is on the table?

All my stuff.

Yea, I was moved into her office. She moved several years ago, and hasn't been back in quite awhile. There wasn't a lot of her stuff, she didn't keep much there. What got me was the furniture. The desk, tables, etc, it's all high quality and expensive. I almost feel bad using it the way I am, but in the end

I don't feel bad at all.

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