Thursday, June 1, 2023

Amateur chiropractor

So every now, my shoulder isn't quite where it should be. When it's bad, I visit my chiropractor and she knocks me back into place.

Well after a long busy Friday putting my garden in, my shoulder was out of whack again. Unfortunately, not only was my chiropractor out of office all weekend, but she's booked for the next few days afterward. So there I am, laying face down on my bed holding my arm in the one, admittedly awkward, position that hurts the least. In comes my daughter, asking what's wrong. She prods me trying to find out just where the pain is, tapping parts of my upper back until she knows where it hurts.

Flashback: a few months ago I was running a few errands with my daughter, and right in the middle of those was a visit to the aforementioned chiropractor. It's a small, rather informal office, so she was right in there with me. She asked a hundred questions, and the doctor was very patient, explaining what was going on as it happened. In fact, on subsequent visits she's been disappointed I didn't bring my daughter.


So my daughter, every prodding, finds out where it hurts. She asks if I'm going to the chiropractor, and when I said I can't, she jumped on me.

No, she lined herself up, aimed right at the spot I said hurt, and dropped her entire body weight right on to the part of my shoulder that was out of whack. Knocked the wind out of me and made a sound like popcorn in my shoulder.

Once I regained myself, the pain in my shoulder was nearly gone. I still went for the formal visit, which finished the job, but my daughter is probably going to med school.

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