Tuesday, May 26, 2020


My kids get up at the same time every day. It's somewhere between 5:30 and 6am every morning, no matter what. That's when I get up to go to work on a normal day, so it's not too big a deal. (Although I do like a nice quiet morning, they don't happen often)

The issue is that their wake up time simply does not change. Stayed up late? Tired and cranky. Went to bed early? Got lots of sleep. Letting my kids stay up 2 hours late just so they can sleep in an extra 15 minutes is a horrible trade.

So we maintain an early bedtime. It's not as simple as just sending them off to bed, there's a whole routine. Nay, a rigamarole, that when complete has our four children, at the very least, in their beds. This entire process can take over an hour, and requires preparation. It's easy in December, when the sun sets at 4pm. But now, as we approach the summer solstice? Impossible. The sun likes to stay up late, and with it half of nature, and most other people.

Blackout curtains and running fans.

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