Thursday, March 25, 2021

Spring brake

The last of the snow melted off. Not the normal middle of the field snow, I mean the snow in my neighbors yard. His driveway is 120 feet long with a few extra spots on the side, and when his plow guy comes, it gets piled into a mountain. The giant pile is often taller than I am.

That's the pile I'm talking about. It's gone. Nothing left of it. We've had temperatures in the high 60's (today reached the low 70's), but it's finally gone. The ground is waking up. I had to go outside this morning, and was surprised at how the sun actually warmed me.

That part of the spring when you finally open your windows, and the fresh air finally blows out all the winter stuffiness. It gets all the places your forced air furnace can't reach. So nice.

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